Content last edited 01/18/22 .::. Note: This is a bit old (but still informative). Please visit my main advocacy website:
Note: I often set links to external websites to open in a new tab or window.
I've set up this domain as a protest as well as part of my advocacy for human rights and support of the rights of the vulnerable & marginalized. Despite the guidelines published by a local social media platform I have been badgered and even had subtle threats made against me, i.e., I was told that I needed to be euthanized when I argued that the city needed to keep the ban on pit bulls and was labeled a "rat" (see sixth screen capture below) when arguing that it was important to abide by the city's building code. (Anonymized exhibits included here in conformance with fair use in this criticism.)
There are users who take advantage of the restriction of it being only local, maybe without realizing that, but a reasonable & intelligent adult that is capable of using the technology should be aware of the potential disadvantage for someone engaging in political type debates with limited support or they should make a decent attempt to adhere to posting guidelines. I may not be the only one who has felt deliberately intimidated and ganged up on using the platform.
This is a sociology presentation (work in progress) about a young lady's post on a local social media platform concerning an issue with the title transfer of a real property. I eventually determined that the property didn't meet the requirements to have a stove in the basement since that would make it a separate living space and so it would need two egresses. There was no separate door or egress window for the basement living space so the seller had to remove the stove to make it legal to sale. The seller lost the sale since it wasn't prepared correctly and then posted on the platform complaining that a neighbor must've "snitched" on her. (It's more likely that the buyer's lender or the insurance underwriters backed out after scrutinizing the property's documents.)
One of the things that's been instilled on me is that there are policies, regulations, procedures, etc. that need to be adhered to for the benefit of safety. There can be a degradation or decadence of a social system (or institution) when people in a position of power over others, even by popularity (which is a measure of acceptance), promote a lenient attitude regarding policy or rules; that can be further exacerbated with an included message that the leniency is beneficial for the people in the subaltern class - a veiled threat is used as coercion. There is a demoralization pressure where the differentiating of right & wrong becomes murky or reversed and often entails exaggeration in order to be plausible. If a concession is made by the subaltern class on the morality then a new delimitation (or threshold) is set that can become a detriment (slippery slope) for that disadvantaged class in the future.
With its intricacies and people involved, this issue is a bit overwhelming for me but from a social science perspective it is absolute gold. There is an underlying gender issue (entails a double standard in that the question would be: if roles were reversed would it be so culturally acceptable to badger the person making a counterargument?). In this case my argument is that the building code requirement (the word "zoning" is also used by other participants) serves a purpose for safety; and not only that but the appliance in question is an example of what the legal requirements for the title transfer of the property are designed to catch.
Although there is an insistence that the appliance is safe (to the point where my assertion that it is not has opened me up to abuse from other users of the social media platform) - there was never any mention by the seller (OP) that the appliance has, at the very least, been reconditioned to meet current code requirements for appliances of this type. Other people commenting are insisting the appliance is as completely safe to use as it could possibly be as it is right now. It is unknown to me if it is a gas stove or electric. If it's gas: is it one that needs to be lit with a match?, is another legitimate question since an expert points out that should be upgraded (at the end of the article there's the statement): "WARNING: Safety Systems provide additional safety features besides automatic lighting, and can be installed on most vintage stoves. It should be clear from all the above that match-lit ovens should not be installed in situations where proper use of the oven by a knowledgeable operator cannot be assured (as in vacation properties, rentals, homes with frequent babysitters, etc.)." (Note: after looking closer at the picture the OP included it's obvious that it's gas. It is possible to connect to gas and be in violation of plumbing code, though. I admit I didn't look very close at the picture but it was a moot point under the circumstances.)
Note: I also have the comments in plain text files & embedded in frames but mobile browsers won't show them. I also link to the individual text files.
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
My original comment ...
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
One of mine deleted by lead (screenshot from email only):
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Reply to mine that was deleted (email copy only):
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
I'm labeled a rat in 4th one here:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
One of mine deleted by lead is 4th in list here:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
This person retorts that "stairs (are) a hazard too"
but they're covered in Section 2-211 of the
City and County of Denver Residential Housing Regulations
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
The OP replies twice to my comment insisting she's a victim of injustice:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
A couple more replies to my comment but the zoning amendment is mentioned:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
The OP thanks everyone who was supportive of her fraud attempt:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
In a separate reply thread the OP continues to blame
the inapplicable zoning law that's been changed:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Someone posted the applicable zoning regulation:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
She made a new (so it's a duplicate) posting with same rant:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
One of the OP's recent Facebook posts explaining her mindset:
Plain text of above comments (opens in new tab or window).
Someone (thankfully) posted a blunt explanation:
Below is an excerpt of pages A4291-A4292 from the:
Congressional Record Volume: 98 Part Number: 11 Appendix Session Year: 1952 | 82nd Congress, 2nd Session
On June 30, 1952, New York Congressman Jacob K. Javits presents articles by the lawyer, author, urbanist, & housing expert, Charles Abrams to the U.S. Congress which discuss residential fire deaths and include examples where dwellings lacked secondary means of escape or egress.
open the pdf in full screen viewer
Images of the original two pages extracted here: A4291, A4292
Content use in conformance with fair use
Photograph of my old department crewmembers & I displaying our
Battle Efficiency Award onboard the now decommissioned USS Wabash AOR-5
If men were angels, no government would be necessary.
~ James Madison
"We want and are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens: The right to earn a living at work for which we are fitted by training and ability; equal opportunities in education, health, recreation, and similar public services; the right to vote; equality before the law; some of the same courtesy and good manners that we ourselves bring to all human relations."
~ (Dr.) Martin Luther King, Jr. from August 6, 1946 letter to editor of Atlanta newspaper.
The biggest danger to our rights today is not from government acting against the will of the majority
but from government which has become the mere instrument of this majority...
Wrong will be done as much by an all-powerful people as by an all-powerful prince.
~ James Madison
Class conflict is another concept which upsets the oppressors, since they do not wish to consider themselves an oppressive class. Unable to deny, try as they may, the existence of social classes, they preach the need for understanding and harmony between those who buy and those who are obliged to sell their labor. However, the unconcealable antagonism which exists between the two classes makes this "harmony" impossible. ~ Paulo Freire
"Only a lively appreciation of dissent's vital function at all levels of society can preserve it as a corrective to wishful thinking, self-inflation, and unperceived rigidity"
The Wrong Way Home : Uncovering the patterns of cult behavior in American society | by Arthur J. Deikman, M.D
ISBN 10: 0807029157 ISBN 13: 9780807029152
Force has no place where there is need of skill.
~ Herodotus